
Where to stay

We choose two Hotels where you can stay.

De Baak Seaside


De Baak Seaside

Art is used as a source of inspiration at De Baak Seaside.

Please tell them you are guests of Marina & Henryk for a special room rate.


de Baak Seaside
Koningin Astrid boulevard 23
NL-2202 BJ Noordwijk
+31 (0)71 369 01 79


Check availability

De Baak Seaside


Vesper Hotel

The boutique hotel of Noordwijk

Please tell them you are guests of Marina & Henryk for a special room rate.


Koningin Astrid Boulevard 46
2202 BE, Noordwijk, Netherlands

+31 71 800 99 88


Check availability

Vesper Hotel


Marina ... Henryk ...

MADE WITH LOVE IN Berlin from Paulo